Trifecta Tech Foundation: Open infrastructure software in the public interest

2024-07-15 Author: Erik Jonkers announcement

Today, we are proud to announce the Trifecta Tech Foundation.

The Internet, and our vital systems for water, energy, and communication, require safe software.

Trifecta Tech Foundation's mission is to contribute to safe and secure software we can all use, by developing and maintaining digital commons, open-source software and open standards for these vital systems.

Our work

We currently work on and maintain infrastructure software in three areas:

We are strong supporters of the ecosystem that our projects heavily rely on, the Rust programming language. More on our technology:


The Trifecta Tech Foundation was founded in April of 2024 by Erik Jonkers (chair), Hugo van de Pol (secretary) and Marlon Baeten (treasurer) as the long-term home for the open-source infrastructure work originating from Tweede golf.

More about us and our maintainers:


Our work would not have been possible without the effort and support from our maintainers, funders and partners over the last years.

In particular, we'd like to thank ISRG's Prossimo for creating memory-safe NTP and sudo projects, Ferrous Systems, the co-maintainer of sudo-rs, and NLnet Foundation and Sovereign Tech Fund for significantly funding our projects.

Support us

We need your financial backing to maintain our software and start new projects. Please get in touch with us if you are interested in financially supporting us. More:

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