Sudo-rs workplan

Future Roadmap

Improved Compatibility

  • Support for often-used configuration options in /etc/sudoers
  • Ability to configure /etc/sudoers options on a per-user, per-command, per-host basis.
  • Improved environment handling (SETENV)
  • Port sudo and su to BSD (FreeBSD, MacOS, NetBSD)

Usability Enhancements

  • Enhanced password prompt that display more of the security context
  • Support reading the doas configuration file
  • A migration guide and FAQ for users

Enterprise features

  • Preventing shell escapes (NOEXEC, NOINTERCEPT)
  • sudoedit implementation
  • Improved audit trails (i.e. session recording)
  • SELinux support
  • AppArmor support

Completed Milestones in the Initial Development Phase

Milestone 0: Preparation

  • System architecture and requirements
  • Project setup
  • Sudoers file parsing

Milestone 1: Drop-in replacement with a default config

  • Core sudo pipeline from policy verification to minimal command execution without security features
  • Sudoers based policy, with limited feature support
  • Authentication based on PAM
  • Command execution using exec with basic signal and fd passing
  • Test for Ubuntu 22.04 with a default sudoers config
  • Setup testing framework

Milestone 2: Security parity

  • Core sudo pipeline with full sanitation of signals, file descriptors, limits, ptrace, pty management, etc. and more efficient command execution
  • Add su implementation
  • Testing for full security compliance
  • Wider configuration feature flag support
  • User facing documentation
  • Credential caching

Milestone 3: Deployability

  • Improve usability by implementing commonly used feature flags and configuration options (such as sudo -l, and various reasonable configuration options)
  • Implement visudo
  • More complete user facing documentation
  • First public release of sudo and su aimed at single-user systems
  • Support for other Linux distributions than Debian/Ubuntu (i.e. Fedora-based ones)
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